Byron found out in 2024 that one of the Great Nephews hadn’t yet been to Elitch Garden’s which is the closest thing Denver has to an Amusement Park. Since moving to it’s down town location, the park initially started strong, got bought out by Six Flags, and then reverted to a privately owned park again. Even though it’s land bound and doesn’t get any new rides now, and is running on a bit of a shoe string budget- for a first time coaster park, it’s not half bad.

Byron and Toni met Harrison and Owen who were dropped off for the day at the park. Byron and Toni showed them the ropes, let them eat whatever they wanted, drink whatever they wanted, and even play midway games. When they finally asked if they could stand in front of the Log flume ride and get wet, we thought it might be too cold, that they didn’t have dry clothes to change into, and weren’t sure there parents would approve.. but how could we say no. Wow did they get wet. We felt bad. We swear.

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