In 2023, Aurora’s Chamber of Commerce accepted Byron into their Leadership Aurora Class. Byron, on joining, quickly wondered what the heck such an esteemed bunch would want with the like of him. That said, Byron thoroughly enjoyed the monthly excursions into 2024, learning about the school system, water system, city government, Buckley AFB, Fire, Police, etc. Without a doubt- 2024’s trip to Buckley provided the highlight of the year providing a “ride-a-long” on a Blackhawk Helicopter. While riding in the back, skimming along at only 50′ above the ground, flying over down town Denver’s skyscrapers, and otherwise just being bad ass, Byron could not help but imagine how easy it’d be to rake in some extra “Uber Eats” income flying around in one of these babies. Unfortunately, he learned most fast food establishments have failed to build parking lots capable of parking one of these bad boys. Hats off to all the great leaders throughout Aurora.

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